A parallel universe suspended among past and future where cornrows are cryptography keys, data farms are data forests and chain link fencing from demolished prisons are used as architectural membrane woven with plant life, in Cykofa the trees have learned to communicate using the data Cykofians have encoded in the tree’s DNA and tree ring memory. Cykofa: The Seeda Origin Story is a nonlinear novella written by transdisiplinary artist Ayana Zaire Cotton in collaboration with software developed by the author. Part love letter, part algorithmically generated poetry, the story is told through the journal entries of a non-binary biotechnologist named Seeda and the found data within an ancient bald cypress tree named Cy. What happens when Seeda discovers a rip in the dendrochronological memory, exposing select datasets from our world?
Cykofa Book: 152 pages
Seed Data Index: 92 pages
5” x 8”
Seeda Press
The book features a risograph printed cover and alternating vellum sheets, creating three narratives in one book: Seeda’s Journal Entries, Cy’s Narration, and both read together.
The Cykofa: The Seeda Origin Story 2022 book is only available in the UK.
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Ayana Zaire Cotton is a transdisciplinary artist. Their non-linear, speculative fiction novella Cykofa: The Seeda Origin Story written in collaboration with creative writing software she engineered is available through the NPOL platform. They are also the founder of Seeda School, a platform for learning how to worldbuild through a black feminist lens.